29 Mar Hear Better. Live Longer.
Being able to hear not only affects a person’s physical and emotional well-being, but healthy hearing can also help you live longer.
Here are a few unexpected, yet powerful ways your ability to hear can increase your lifespan:
- Effective hearing reduces the risk of both indoor and outdoor accidents. Can you imagine not being able to hear the fire alarm in a burning building or the sirens of an ambulance while driving? Being able to hear in emergency situations is vital to the safety of others as well as your own.
- Hearing loss can affect a person’s balance. According to Dr. Frank Lin of Johns Hopkins University, studies show that individuals with untreated hearing loss (65 years and older) are 3 times more likely to experience falls that lead to hospitalization or death.
- A person’s mental health and cognitive abilities are greatly affected by hearing loss. Hearing loss can lead to depression, memory loss, social isolation, dementia and Alzheimer’s. When your mental health is affected, your safety can also be compromised.
The ability to hear in certain situations could be the difference between life and death. Don’t take the risk of living without this life-saving sense. We all deserve to be safe and sound!
Get involved with the Hearing Aid Project and find out how you can receive/or help others stay safe, have peace of mind and a live a happy, long life.