10 May Hospital Volunteer Receives Hearing Aids
Frances’s deep rooted passion for music and helping others could be seen and heard at the hospital she regularly volunteered at.
In her free time, she would sing beautiful melodies to the patients staying in the transitional unit. Her songs would help the patients feel calm, comfortable and cared for during their stay.
For the last 19 years, Frances worked as a life skills instructor for the mentally disabled. She was recognized with many job certificates for her service, but was forced to stop working after an accident occurred.
“I began experiencing hearing loss after an injury at work,” Frances said. “It gradually became harder for me to hear or understand what people were saying.”
Her hearing loss inevitably took its toll, and Frances knew she needed to find help. Thankfully, with the help of the Project, she did just that.
“Receiving hearing aids through the Hearing Aid Project has allowed me to hear and sing better when volunteering,” Frances said. “The Project allowed me to experience the world of sound again!”
Her new hearing aids have brought all of her passions back to life in full color. Frances is back to singing, volunteering, staying active within the church and spending time with her family.
Your donations to the project have given Frances the kind of hope and love that she’s spent her entire life trying to give others.
One hearing aid can help change a life. One person can help the change the world. Join us in giving others like Frances the gift of joy and healthy hearing. Find out how you can donate or team up with the project to make a difference in someone’s life today!