06 Feb No Need to Fear the Hearing Aid Talk
Addressing the issue of hearing loss with a friend or loved one can be uncomfortable in the beginning, but is ultimately necessary in the long run. The person may not even realize it has happened over time, or they may be in denial and reluctant to seek help.
Despite the difficulties, having the “hearing aid talk” is one of the most important conversations to follow through with and here’s why.
- Hearing loss drastically affects a person’s quality of life. It can lead to social isolation, depression, anxiety, loneliness and other serious health related conditions.
- Having an open discussion could lead to awareness and positive action, such as seeking treatment. Without treatment, a person’s cognitive abilities will eventually decline.
Before you sit down and have the “hearing aid talk” it’s extremely important to come prepared. Show your support by bringing suggestions.
- Find the contact information for a local audiologist and help them set up an appointment. An audiologist can act as a great mediator and will be able to give professional guidance and reassurance to your loved one.
- If finances prove to be an issue, bring a list of local resources to help them get started in seeking hearing aid assistance. Click here for a full list!
The Hearing Aid Project is also a great resource to look into for national assistance!
Among all the difficult conversations in life, the “hearing aid talk” doesn’t have to be one of them. Listen to their thoughts, feelings and let them know that they are not on alone on their journey to better hearing health. You will do great, good luck!